Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching

When the going gets tough ...

Then the tough start reflecting and start using techniques such as mindfulness and visualisation to try and introduce meaning into their lives and seek out transcendent experience.

Mr and Mrs Bear came over tonight and poked fun at my new table saw and protective equipment. But a man needs a hard hat, ear defenders and strong gloves when he is sawing wood. It’s tough at the bottom of the garden.

Took Monty to the vet this morning and he is in generally good health but has another dodgy ear. He seems happier now it has been cleaned out.

Went to Morrison’s later and it was like hell on Earth. They made a tannoy announcement saying “could all checkout supervisors go to The White House”. That’s what it sounded like to me anyway.

TSM went to Camden market with her sister and I did stuff around the house and watched Doctor Who (briefly). Nearly finished assembling the bench saw. Tomorrow I may actually cut some wood...

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