Never Ending Story

'N' is for Never! ;-)

Please check out my backblips if you don't mind! I think I started at 25th September, what a privilege to have had the energy to fill all the gaps today!!

R jr had to make 4 Posters for 'Com-Design' Class at University. They had a few themes to choose from but they had to design the posters themselves and use their own photos and ideas. The sunset in the background was one of my previous Blips, I tried to find it to link you to it, but ah, I'm too tired now! The dog is R jr's own SharPei, Gesiggie. C was holding her in her arms when he took the photo and the tail was photoshopped in at a later stage! I thin it is simply gorgeous!! ;-)

Quiet day spent at home again today!! So grateful for every day that I can rest! Don't know if it is my age or am I really so tired? Is it possible? Eisch!

Enjoy the rest of your weekend my dear Blipfriends!


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