
Our dear J (My Magic Kingdom) has to deal with all sorts of injuries and ailments all day! Does not matter who is on playground duty, when a little one feels uncomfortable, aunty J is the answer! We had to laugh yesterday, when she first had to comfort quite a 'round' little boy with tummy ache, and then a little boy with a sore hand turned up, and after they left, I grabbed her and started 'howling' that I am soooo tired, but guess what was her advice to me? 'Lovey, you just go to the cold water tap and put your head under the running water, you'll be better in no time!' Hiehiehiehiehiehiehie!!

Today R snr and Joe took a different patient to her office! The server computer's graphics card packed up today, and it is right in the middle of Cambridge Exams!! Eeeeeekkkk!! A fast plan had to be made! R jnr had an extra graphics card, but not just a graphics card, a super duper graphics card! Needless to say, the computer box was way toooo small for it, and a plan had to be made!!

This pic shows you the results! A slot had to be cut out of the casing, making space for the card to be inserted! Aunty J did the honours of sticking a band aid close to the area of the 'wound'! ;-)

Not to worry, R snr will build it closed tomorrow, to keep dust out! Hehehehehe!!!

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