
By Legacy

At The Airport

Meet Bill, who traveled to Indiana with me. Unfortunately he was stuffed in my purse and since I caught his rather generous snout in the zipper a couple of times, I thought he could use a little ice relief while we waited for the plane. We spent a total of about 12 hours getting from Bellingham to Bloomington. I was a little on the cranky/sad side because I had some killer sinus headache going on and my favorite travel companion, my daughter, who had planned to make the trip with me, had to change her plans. Bill tried hard, but he wasn't able to come close to how much fun she is to travel with.

Traveling is pretty stressful nowadays, for me anyway, and I wasn't particularly inspired to take a lot of piictures. I snapped a couple of planes being prepped at the terminal but nothing interesting. And speaking of interesting, I found that people aren't exactly happy if you point a camera at them randomly. There were a couple of super cute kids doing super cute things but judging from the looks on their parents' faces taking their picture would not have been received well.

Because I prefer an aisle seat on planes to a window seat, I missed a couple of great opportunities coming in to Salt Lake City. I had very nice seat-mates but decided to keep it that way and not trample them trying to get a picture out the window.

Anyway, got here safe and I'm feeling a little better -- think I dodged a full-blown cold. Tomorrow is another day.

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