
By Legacy

So Happy!

Slept late, moved slowly, took my cold meds, and we took off for the Bloomington Farmers Market. It was a lovely day, absolutely perfect weather, and for me perfect weather is somewhere in the 60s (I'm a family outcast in a group of sun lovers).

The Bloomington Farmers market is really impressive -- it goes on and on with stalls of everything imaginable. I took lots of pictures of the gorgeous fruit and vegetable displays, the glowing jars of honey and handmade crafts. There were some amazing braids of colorful peppers and baskets of pumpkins and gourds and a lot of very happy people which makes the fellow in this blip really exceptional because he was waaayyy beyond happy. We couldn't figure out what he was singing -- it certainly wasn't anything familiar and we suspected he had written it himself. Nevertheless, he was singing with such unbridled enthusiasm that we couldn't help smiling. In the most glaring of contradictions, the lady with him (just visible on the right) was quietly crocheting.

After the market we had burgers at Bub's -- home of the "Big Ugly", (and Eric, the best server ever and not ugly at all) a burger easily the size of a dinner plate and if you eat one (or more) they put your picture on the wall. Needless to say neither Rob nor I have our picture on the wall. We ate outdoors and, wonder of wonders, what should visit us but a CHIPMUNK! Got the camera out but boy, are those little things fast. (Now I'm even more in awe of dbifulco's chipmunk blips if she can get one to sit still long enough for a pic.) I shared my burger bun with the little fellow but he wouldn't sit still long enough for a picture. He zoomed by, grabbed the tidbit and zoomed off.

We also went to one of my favorite shops -- "Relish" which has eclectic furniture and art. Every time we go there I find things I think Rob needs for his condo, but so far he's resisted my suggestions.

By the way, today is National Chess Day and the Farmers Market was celebrating with a number of games being played -- there were some real cute kids playing some serious chess too. Some good blips there, but the happy guy won out. Happy should always win in my book.

Hope everybody had as nice a day as I did.

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