Looned With Them, Screamed at the Moon.

All of Us Together. 

for New Year. 

Sydney Time.  

Well,actually we missed it by an hour.... ha ha

The two of them were pretty pickled and tired.  Their drinking had commenced at around 2pm, and had pretty much ceased around 7.  The parks were busy and policed and not much was getting in. 
At around 11, Boy wandered off for a "better view".  Tooli, with her pal was asked for a photo. And the bastard pickpocketed her while they took the snap. 

Her cards cancelled, and 5% on her phone, she tried to find Boy - gates were locked and they were separated. 

just before midnight they managed to get back together, they saw in the New Year together on a wall, betweenthe Harbour Bridge and Opera House, toasting each other with Vodka. 

now they were back at their flat, tired and happy, and babbling away nonsense.   It was lovely to see them both together - planning trips away as soon as the new year partying is over.    They've got a lot planned for a short period.  Neither of them will be up to much come the middle of January. 

Happy New Year Blippers. 

Love You Two. 


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