The Princess and the Dog

By Princessnthedog

A Sober Hogmanay

Dear O'H dear and Lovely Tea Jenny,

We headed to The Explorer’s house for her Hogmanay party. Everyone was on great form but I was quite happy being a quiet observer. This was mainly due to my cough which is triggered by:


As this made any kind of conversation quite annoying for both myself and the person I am hacking at, I did my best to avoid it. This was made easier as I spent most of the evening with The Eldest Mini Princess who is at that ‘too old for the kids’ and ‘too young for the adults’ age. She did look quite shocked later in the evening when The Explorer, who may have had a few shandies, had a little stumble and accidentally grabbed my boob. Despite initially being an honest mistake, The Explorer thought this was hilarious and then grabbed both of my them and announced to EMP that ‘your Mum has great boobs’ while howling with laughter. My poor child. I think her eyes were like saucers!

Thankfully there were no work calls and I will be hangover free tomorrow!


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