The Princess and the Dog

By Princessnthedog

Out With The Old

Dear O'H dear and Lovely Tea Jenny,

It’s Hogmanay!

We went to The Explorer and Boots’ Hogmanay party. As always it was great fun. I had a brilliant night. The Youngest Mini Princess hung out with people her own age but The Eldest Mini Princess wisely chose to stay with the grown ups* because that’s obviously where the great chat is! She even had a couple of cheeky glasses of Prosecco! The Prince was explaining that if she found herself wanting to get away from a dull conversation, it is easy to do with a few simple phrases. I thought I would offer my pearls of wisdom...

“I need a difficult poo works well. So does I need to change my tampon”

The Prince RUDELY suggested that I may not be best placed to teach social etiquette.

Marsh entertained EMP by telling her about the time (many years ago) that he had been doing a very hungover walk of shame back to his flat. It was the morning after a Christmas night out and he was still wearing his tuxedo.

He was in a foul mood and walked past one of the pop up places selling Christmas trees with a dude dressed as Santa outside.

“Cheer up” said Santa ringing his bell In Marsh’s face.

Unfortunately, Marsh was not in the mood.

“Eff off Santa”

Santa took umbrage and threw a punch which led to a bit of a scuffle.

As they were both picking themselves up from the the pavement, Marsh looked up to see a bus stopped at the lights with kids just staring out in horror!

“Not my finest moment” he admitted!

The Explorer piped in the New Year and we watched the fireworks. There was dancing, singing (along to Neil) and games. We left at 2.30 am having had a brilliant night with brilliant people.


*I use that term loosely.

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