Silly me thought it was warming up so decided to make the most of the morning. It was bitterly cold with a very strong wind. Almost all the snow has now been blown off the brush, etc. so it is more stark and harsh with the cold.
Regardless, made the most of it and got some exercise and fresh air. I was the only person around so I felt more responsible to give some seed and peanuts to the creatures who were braving the cold. This squirrel was the only one I saw. In the extras, I thought it comical how the Mourning Dove was delicately enjoying the little seed whilst the male Cardinal was going for the biggest peanut there!
Tomorrow we are finally off to Toronto for the day....deep freeze or not. We are running out of time!!
Hope you are all well...thanks for always stopping by. You make me smile with your comments : ))
D x
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