Dull and rainy .....
..... day !!
When I came out of the club after my swim/ exercise this morning with the rain falling I wasn't going to stop to take photos ( as originally intended to do) so this is my effort for today! It has been a day of frustration ----
1st. The You View box refused to go on, after a few twiddles I thought it was OK as the main light was activated , oh no not as easy as that , it wouldn't load !! I left it for a couple of hours with it trying to load .
No result . I switched it off altogether
2nd went to the hairdressers and came out to more wind and rain, just what you need when you've had your hair done !
Then there was sun on the horizon --- I met my grandson "O" from the train and mentioned to him re the TV problem , "no worries" he says came in and set to work tried everything that BT help line told him, but alas still no go. However not to be beaten "O" rang and spoke to a technician, following her instructions as she tried to rectify the problem from her end . Still no go ---- so ---- a new box to be dispatched tomorrow and will arrive on Thursday ( no cost ) What better service can you get? " O" thought I was paying far too much and asked to be put onto billing, apparently they weren't there but the tec. also thought I was paying to much, result , they will ring me on Thursday to rectify situation -- all's well that ends well hey!
Then "O" and I went out for a meal at a restaurant we hadn't been to before, very impressed food was fantastic and service great and polite .
The wind is really howling outside and the rain is heavy too . Still I'm off to bed feeling a " happy bunny ". Good night folks ( just about )!
Grateful ..... for such a lovely , helpful , calm and brilliant grandson. Thank you "O".
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