Got my walk almost done when it started raining, and it is still raining. Had the hairdresser this morning after my walk then in the afternoon I had a meeting at the care home as they had a new manager starting. That lasted about two hours, then went to see my husband, so very late home and just getting a meal organized. While waiting for my meal to cook, I made some biscuits for the dogs. First time and they are a big success, they are made out of pumpkin, egg peanut butter, and wholemeal flour.
My blip today is the new squirrel (but not my little Nutkin), this one is very nervous, so Daisy is quite happy. The extra today is my disabled blackbird sitting in the rain waiting for the sultanas. Not great as it was through a wet and dirty window.
Off now for my glass of wine and have a lot to do tonight since I have been out most of the day.

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