What a day, first I had to repair a hole in the hedge made my a pest of a dog who lives up the road and is let out to roam. It was not too hard, but I then went on to tidy up the front garden and rake the gravel. I then took the dogs a walk, but on my return home I found the d.. heron had come and taken another big fish (it weighted one and a quarter pounds), so before I even got my lunch I had to try and get netting, which was very difficult. I eventually managed to get some at Dobbies which is a little way for me to go, however I asked a friend's husband if he could help me, and he kindly came over and with great difficulty we managed it, although the middle is not covered, but I don't think he can land in the middle as it is four foot six deep. It is now 4.30pm and I never did get my lunch, so will just have my meal early. I am having a Creamy Prawn Masala from M&S as I am too tired to start cooking.
My blip today is some lovely Greylag Geese that I managed to get by hiding behind a hedge. They looked so lovely in the grass. My extra I meant to post as an extra yesterday, but forgot, so you have it now.
Thank you so much for all the lovely comments, stars and hearts you gave me yesterday, I really appreciate it.
I am off now for a glass of wine, I think I have earned it today.

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