Wasdale (Day 971)

I headed out just as the first light of the day was creeping over the horizon, and watched the dogs in their flashing collars charge around in the heather on the way up the hill.
Back at home the electric heater struggled to provide much warmth as I had coffee with  my  beautiful wife before she headed off to work. I got myself organised and took the flue on the boiler apart for a clean - a job I have been meaning to do for a while but not got round to. Since it isn't working I thought I might as well. I had expected the new part for the boiler to arrive by lunchtime, but it hadn't and I decided to try and warm up a bit by taking the dogs to Wasdale. 
There was a chilly wind which meant that it took a while to warm up despite walking quickly. I quite liked the patch of blue above the loch today, but didn't want to hang around taking pictures for long. 
The boiler part still hasn't arrived....

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