Lily (Day 1339)

The weather for the morning woofer wander was poor. A stiff breeze carried enough drizzle to make the walk a fairly wet and unpleasant affair. 
Back at home got stuck in to more preparation for painting, ably assisted by my beautiful wife. There had been a plan to get out for a bit of hossing, but the rubbish weather and the deadline of carpets being fitted on Monday meant prepping woodwork was the only sensible option. 
HV headed off later to take the woofers for a wander and to check on the horses, whilst I sloshed some undercoat around. After lunch, and as HV zoomed off to work, I made my way to town to collect some more paint then spent the rest of the afternoon sloshing more undercoat around. Thankfully it looks like the undercoating is finally at an end. Tomorrow morning I hope to be sloshing around a bit of top coat. 
With not much in the way of photographic opportunities today I resorted to taking a few macros of some lilies. 

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