The hunt

The boys were at the childminder for much of the day today (probably a good thing given the general care the youngest had yesterday - husband!)   As we drove up to the childminders house, there was general excitement in the car as the boys realised where they were, knowing that they love going makes it a delight to take them there.  

I spent most of the day at the computer, so not much to report (aside from my joy at the weather improving enough for me not to freeze all morning).  I sneaked in a couple of chores just before leaving to get the boys, and got quite confused. I was in the garden and could hear horses hooves, went out front, nothing... back into the garden, horses, out front, nothing.  Weird.  Finally, the hunt came past the house, all very jovial and lots of hello's to me (feeling like a real 'saddo' for being out watching them come past as if I was 10 again).  It must have been that the bend in the road and position of houses meant I couldn't hear the hooves on the road when I was outside the front of the house until they were really near-by. 

Husband has been out all day with work tramping over fields, he's pretty tired but feeling as if this is why he changed careers. It's great that despite the struggle to change, the job makes him happy and we never, ever again have to face the Waterloo and City line at 0730....

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