
By stellarossa

Happy New Year

I find the expectations of NYE too much and often opt out of the pressure to see in the new year in a big party atmosphere so this year I had the most indulgent NYE so far.  I declined all invitations, ate cheese fondue for one watching all three episodes of Little Women back to back, had a hot bath, knocked back a lemsip and was asleep before midnight. 

Not for long though as the boys and their friends came in and out, up and down the stairs and I finally let in the last returner without a key at 5.30am. They were slow to rise, but after a lovely roast chicken lunch we headed up to Hinksey Heights for a short walk and a great view over Oxford's dreaming spires. Back home to play poker (I lost). These boys know how to hustle.....

I'm not one for resolutions, but do like to make plans. Restarting blipping is up there, and I'm going to try and fill in some of the gaps in my blip journal too.

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