
Thought I'd go for a decent length ride on the last day of my holidays so headed out at a not unreasonable hour for the 89km route that takes in Auchendinny, Gladhouse, The Meldons, Romanno Bridge, Macbiehill and Penicuik. It was obviously awesome, if inevitably a little ice-covered in places. I even had to get off a couple of times and walk with my bike round rutted sheets of the stuff all across the road. Not worth the risk, why if I'd come a cropper I might have had to have the week off work....hang on, it's still light, where's that lycra!?

It's the first ride I've had for ages where I've come home dry and clean rather than soaking wet and filthy and as I sat down at the kitchen table on my return home a fry-up brunch was placed in front of me almost instantly - just the time it took the eggs to fry - now that's quality that is. I did ask if I could now expect this level of service every time I come back from a ride. I got 'a look'. You know the one.

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