Feeding the Squizzer

We went into town today so that I could try out both lenses on my camera.  It was lovely and sunny, so great light and I took a mix of street photography with the wide angle lens and then swapped to the telephoto lens to get some close ups of the squizzer.  We called at the pet shop on the way into town and picked up some monkey nuts to entice the squirrels, but we only actually saw this one - he had a feast though, and posed very nicely for me.

We also saw the 'Angel of Brighton' being painted  onto the side of a building, I won't say anymore about this though as I'll bliip it another day.

All in all, I'm very impressed with the camera and the lenses and I look forward to being able to do more with it.

The rest of the afternoon has been spent packing the Christmas decorations away, tidying up and cooking a roast dinner.  I'm now going to settle down and watch Dancing on Ice.

Enjoy the rest of your Sunday!

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