
Our guests have departed and we had a delightful evening of chat at a friends party.  Unsurprisingly, much of the talk was of the Xmas and New Year period but also starting to look ahead.  Spoke to an enthusiast of Japanese gardens - he's designed them, built them, visited them and appeared on television about them.  Fascinating chat.
The week will about re-starting, re-establishing some good habits which have been neglected and starting to plan some new activities.  One of the plans will be to develop one part of the garden as a meditative space.  I sometimes call it a Japanese Garden which is where the book and the chat will come in handy.  However, I'm not sure I can adhere to the strict discipline of such a garden.  Anyway it takes 25 years to become a Japanese gardener and I'm not sure I have that sort of time.

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