What a lovely day:-

By BKeeper

to Do One's Bit (7)

I was on the shore at Ballaugh beach today.  This is on the west coast of the Island.

It was an important event because it marked the ten year anniversary of the founding of Beach Buddies.

Whether it was that anniversary or the good weather, or both, the event was astoundedly well attended.  Some have estimated that there were 120 volunteers attending.  I would have put the number higher.  By the time we had finished it is not an exaggeration to say that a wagon would have been needed to remove all the rubbish that had been collected.  There were a huge number of plastic bottles!

The organisation surrounding beach cleaning is beginning to go world wide and they are interested about Beach Buddies in the USA.

Additionally we have been assisting and advising in the setting up of a similar organisation on the Fylde Coast at Rossall.

So thats really getting the new year off to a good start! 

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