Pinkfeet sunrise
I'm a day behind posting again. This was Sunday morning on Gus's walk over the Knott. As the sun was rising though the narrow band of cloud, a skein of pink-footed geese was going north overhead. 10 minutes later, there was an even bigger skein in a huge V formation. It's the second time in the last week that I have seen a biggish movement of geese at this time of the morning. I'm not sure where these ones were headed.
Later in the day we were to see much larger flocks at Cockerham Sands. We had a trip out to explore part of the coast in Lancashire where there are more waders and waterfowl than we are used to seeing on our part of Morecambe Bay. We came back via Glasson Dock and Marina, and watched the setting sun reflect golden on the water. The mute swan in the Extra was generating quite a bow wave as he propelled himself powerfully across the marina towards me. One of the locals told me he was a particularly vicious bird, but that seemed to be contradicted by the fact that I had seen someone on a barge hand feeding him. But it was maybe wise to keep a respectful distance.
The year list moved on to 89, can I get to to 100 before the end of January?
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