
By 98markymark

Frozen In Time

If you could put a pause on a moment of your life just to take it in a little longer and enjoy it more, what would it be? 

Memories can be a beautiful gift in our lives because they can bring us joy, happiness, and warmth with the power of thought....but they are just a memory. We cant feel, hear, see, and taste that exact moment again. Standing underneath a mammoth waterfall that is stuck and literally frozen in time is such a powerful feeling...to able to touch the stream of water, look up at the majesty of its height, and observe the colors up close. We get to see how our world can recreate beauty.

So absorb each day and make the most of every experience, for tomorrow it will be gone as a memory.

“Sometimes you will never know the value of a moment, until it becomes a memory" Dr. Suess

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