Spring, finally

Dunedin is south of the 40th parallel. At the same latitudes as Patagonia, or flipped over Russia and Canada in the Northern 40's. So it shouldn't come as any surprise, but somehow has that is freezing here!

I've been cold for two months. A cold that seems to never go away. That wet, sea cold that gets right into your bones. The worst kind. And in NZ, or at least Dunedin the houses are uninsulated and unheated. It annoys me tremendously to watch my breath condense in the living room bundled up in my down coat and three layers...

Moving on from my diatribes though, the good news is spring is here! The land is changing evidenced in so many blooms and fresh green leaves. Birds singing, daisies popping, and the days, ever so slowly brightening. These magnolias outside my house-sit just made my day, really. Simple joys.

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