The Princess and the Dog

By Princessnthedog

Back In The Day

Dear O'H dear and Lovely Tea Jenny,

Last day before returning to school and work. Boo.

We had plans to go to the cinema this afternoon but our dishwasher went on the blink and Mr Dishwasher Fixer Man (official job title) had an available slot. I thought I would make this the priority as Youngest Mini Princess acted as if we were in some sort of third world situation for the whole 2 days we were without a dishwasher.

YMP (genuinely concerned): ‘But how will the dishes get clean?’

Me: ‘Erm, we will wash them’

YMP: ‘How?’

Me: ‘By hand. In the sink’


We had to explain that we grew up without the luxury of a dishwasher and that a lot of people don’t have one. She was quite incredulous.

In her head, this is further confirmation that we grew up in the dark ages. I might start making her get up to change the tv channel!


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