Bright and Beautiful

By ThingsBeautiful

Pink play

I went out this morning after a nice lie in (with a nightmare in it :( ) and a slow start to the day. Had full intentions of tidying up the garden, but a half trimmed tree and the rain really came down that was that!

Inside I decided to play around with the camera and took some shots of a bottle, a glass and a bit of bling I had. The bling used to be a belt, but doesn't fit me now , as its pink it hangs on the wall in the kitchen, glittery and all that :)

Played in picasa and like this and one other, so I couldn't decide! What do you think? The other is in Bit of Bling :)

More in aid of Breast Cancer Awareness! Day 11 for me :)

Lunchtime already, and I need to do a bit of a tidy up...

Intending to do some crafty bits and read this afternoon, before the usual Monday night bible study!

Have a great day blippers :)

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