
Yesterday, while walking to the tram stop after work, my ankle twisted as I went into a pothole. I thought it was ok, but it wasn’t so good this morning, so a trip to the Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh A&E was required.

Got assessed, x-rayed and seen by a practitioner within an hour, which was great. Thankfully, nothing broken but stretched tendons and ligament with maybe a possible tear. Will take time to de-stretch, maybe 2-3 weeks to get back to normal. But basically all was well and all I can do is to take ibuprofen and paracetamol for pain.

I know the NHS has come in for a lot of stick recently, but honestly, the service I received was top notch, and everyone who I saw was both professional and very friendly. So thank you NHS.

Not so much walking for me over the next few weeks alas.

Anyway, I hope you have had a good day.

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