What a day!

Today started out with my first walk to work in over 3 weeks, which was rather nice.

While at work, I had a message from my mum to say that my dad was being admitted to hospital as he appeared jaundiced. So after working headed over the new Queen Elizabeth University Hospital in Glasgow (also known at 'the deathstar', due to it looking like something out of Star Wars) to see how he was. My dad (accompanied by my mum) had been at the hospital since 11am and had still not been moved into a bed by 8pm, due to a lack of porters! Anyway, with the help of a nice doctor we got him into a bed (porters had still not appeared) and settled, after which I dropped my mum off home before heading back to Edinburgh.

The hospital is keeping my dad in overnight to run some tests and keep an eye on him. I must say that the hospital is absolutely ginormous (very poor signage) but the staff are amazing and are so helpful and caring.

Anyway, we shall see what tomorrow brings.

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