My little wren

A beautiful afternoon after a fairly cloudy morning so a nice surprise as it’s the first time in weeks that it’s been above freezing, just !
So I spent a lot of time in the garden, clearing more leaves and cutting back.Pleased to see lots of bulbs emerging, no where near in bud yet ,I did read that there are snowdrops out in Cromarty though.
The birds seem to all appear at once, especially early morning and late afternoon.Lots of goldfinch and long tailed tits, chaffinches, greenfinch, a few dunnock, wood pigeon,blackbirds and several robins that continually chase each other. Coal,blue and great tits are enjoying the suet star feeder I got them for Christmas and my little wren loves pecking around in my pots :)
A lovely sunset with stripey pink clouds in one direction and golden above the sun.Lots of birds were just sitting on the Firth but to far away for me to what they were, gulls I think.

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