More like lacking a photo to blip and with the heavy rain and fog, I thought the light shining through the tree branches out my window would do.
A crazy, old day today. Started with going to pick up my student on the bus and his mum flashed the outside lights. I took this to mean that she needed help....then I received a text from her saying, "help". E had grabbed raw chicken out of the fridge and was eating it and every time she tried to take it from him, he hit her. He was shocked enough to see me that I was able to grab the chicken and then put him in a containment hold until she could get meds to calm him. So scary and sad. The rest of his day was uneventful as he was simply lethargic from the meds. I really hope that the family look at getting a support worker into the home to help in the mornings. Being by herself is simply not safe anymore. Sadly, that is just the reality. As far as he progresses, the reality is that the potential to injure someone will always be there. Which is exactly why my new student is living in a group home already.
I am sure I will get my 'hands slapped' for going into the home. Frustrating...
Then on the bus ride in the afternoon, we heard over the radio that there had been an armed robbery at a bank close to our school....AND a fatal stabbing at the high school beside the former school I worked at!
I am thankful the day is over...and the weekend is almost here. To think, it isn't even a full moon.
Take care everyone.
D x
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