Lizellens Lot

By lizellen

All lit up.

It rained on and off all day so I decided to bring a flower inside and photograph it there. I couldn't get it to look anything but boring until I got out the lamps - they made it look a whole lot better. I don't know what the flower is but I think it must be of the dahlia family.

Early this morning the family left to travel by car and ferry back to Napier. They were here for two weeks and we have had a lot of fun together. I will miss them immensely.

A big thanks to everyone who commented or left stars and hearts over the time  my family were here. I am sorry my viewing and commenting was very spasmodic. Thanks too to those generous folk who followed and encouraged my Granddaughter NatKat333 in her first venture into the world of Blip. I hope she continues but suspect she will find it hard once she starts High School. However, it has been fun having Blip and photography as a shared interest.

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