In a dark, dark wood...
After a late start, I joined MrM and Louie for a short, slow walk on Wooler Common. Despite the encouraging forecast, it was another very gloomy, dull day and we had to look quite hard to spot the little birds in the trees.
Not feeling 100%, I was glad of a 'pottering' sort of day, and managed to achieve a surprising number of things. Nothing exciting - just household chores - but at least they're done!
Not much outdoor Blip inspiration, but I quite like this shot of the trees on Wooler Common. It reminds me of a poem my offspring used to love when they were very young -
In a dark, dark wood there was a dark, dark house;
And in the dark, dark house there was a dark, dark room;
And in the dark, dark room there was a dark, dark cupboard;
And in the dark, dark cupboard there was a dark, dark shelf;
And on the dark, dark shelf there was a dark, dark box;
And in the dark, dark box there was a ... MOUSE!
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