January Thaw and Freeze
Can you believe that yesterday when I went to work it was +12 C? Woke up this morning to -17 C, feeling like -27 C with the windchill. After all the rain and warmer temps, a large amount of the snow has gone so on a sunny day like today, it is very deceiving out!! This Black-Capped Chickadee did not seem to mind, though. I did...quick walk, snap, snap, and returned to the warmth of my car.
Yesterday with the freezing rain, all school buses were cancelled which turned out to be a godsend of sorts. I had no students so was able to devote the time to programming and room set up for the new student who arrives Monday. Even more positively, admin has decided after the incident this past week, that perhaps I should not be 100% removed from teaching my key student, so will have him for majority of day, but will plan for the new student and have him for only part of the day. Of course, they will be working in the same room, so dynamics could still be interesting. Good news for me, though....
Hope you are warm wherever you may be. My brother and partner leave for a 3 month stint in Portugal, Monday. I am a tad jealous of the warm weather they will be getting ; )
D x
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