
By HaxSyn


Horrible, cold, miserable, windy, wet day... no way was I going to venture outside today if I could help it. So I stayed in and swore at my computer for most of the day.

Complete desperation for a Blip and then I spotted this old cigarette case sitting on my bookshelf. I've never actually used it, my granddad brought it back from Ceylon as a souvenir when he was over there during the war. I added a couple electronic cigarettes to it for effect and contrast old/new.

I've actually been using e-cigarettes for over a year now, originally I tried them out of curiosity more than anything else and decided to stick with them as they are a lot cheaper then the real thing. I have half heartedly tried to stop using them by not buying any more on a couple occasions but ended up lapsing and buying a packet of cigarettes (usually after a night of drinking). Maybe if I was busier during the day I'd find it easier to quit completely.

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