Autumnal Light

At this time of the year the sun rises during the window of time between home and work. I'm discovering all over again the wonderful quality of October light, and remembering my surprise last year that photography actually starts to get easier when moving from summer to autumn. I would never have guessed at this before starting to blip. For those people who have started posting in the last six months and are, as I was in my first year, worried about where the photographs are going to come from in the winter months, don't worry. You just have to get out during the daylight hours and trust that the sun will appear - which it does far more often than you might expect.

I'm feeling rather drained this evening after a very late night working and another long day at the computer. I have actually achieved everything I had hoped to achieve, it's just that it's taken me about twice as long as hoped to do so. I think I might need to readjust my expectations ... again.

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