Life In Wales

By KarenC

The Seven Sisters

I slept well last night and didn't get up until after 10am, so had a very lazy morning.  It was a lovely and sunny though, so I said I'd like to take the boys for a walk at Seaford beach, but by the time we were ready it was getting on for midday.

We decided to walk up Seaford Head, and actually ended up going much further than planned .  We walked over the top and dropped back down to the beach overlooking the Seven Sisters - the view was spectacular, particularly as the Seven Sisters disappear into the mist.  The funny thing is that tonight we've watched a film on BBC 2 called Mr Holmes with Ian McKellen, and a lot of it was actually filmed in this exact spot!

By the time we got back to the car it was 3pm, we stopped at Lidl to pick up some groceries, and then home to make a Sunday roast and to edit my photos from Scarlett's party.  

I'm tired tonight and I apologise that I've not had chance to comment on your journals but I need an early night tonight.  I hope you've had a good weekend, and I'll catch up with you soon.

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