The Froth

It's been a wet, grey, windy day today, but there was a brief break at lunch time when the sky started to clear so I went for a walk.   I timed it well as no sooner was I back at work it started raining again.

We're having a lodger for a week from Sunday - my friend Bev who lives in the North East contacted me a couple of weeks ago to ask if we fancied having a paying lodger for two weeks, and if not, did I know someone else that would have her.  Anna is the girlfriend of Bev's son Ben, and they've both graduated from University and live in Falmouth, but Anna has been offered a two week paid trial for a company in Brighton.  

We couldn't have her this week with me being away at the weekend, and on Friday this week, we have Lorraine & Richard coming to stay for a couple of days, but we said she can come once they leave on Sunday.  I put a post on Facebook to see if any of my friends would be interested, and Alison said she could stay with them.  She moved in yesterday, and Alison's bringing her round shortly so she can meet us, so I'd better tidy the dinner pots away.   

Happy Monday , hope you've had a good start to the week!


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