Apples and Oranges

By Anitsirk

This cute little dog (the black and white one) always has his/hers place in the window of this hair studio. I usually walk past it twice on my way to and from the gym, but now there's a big hole in the street were the usual bus stop is, so we have to get off the bus earlier and that means another way to the gym. I'm not sure how long the hole will be there... they usually take a long time to finish... :D 
Today I saw that the cute little dog had company with another little one. The cute little one usually sleeps in the red doggy bed. They look rather comfy there and are able to watch war's going on outside.
I was a bit lazy at the gym today...just trained my upper body and stomach and then 40 minutes of cardio. I had no energy at all... Tomorrow it'll start snowing rather heavy so it will brighten the day. :)

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