Our conference begins!!

Today we have the programmes for nurses and physio's prior to conference proper. We are all still feeling a bit spaced out, but I think I'm beginning engage with the job in hand. Great to chat to old friends from around the world and to hear what's new on the research front! There are only 4 nurses here from the UK at present and all the Japanese delegates have withdrawn due to their political situation with China.

We walked through the park to the venue and made it in 20mins, which is an improvement!! I met up with a nurse from Seattle who is staying in the same block as us, so showed her the way back. As the physio session ends later than the nurses and they get fed, we found a Japanese Noodle restaurant for dinner, cheap cheerful and filling food. She has been in Beijing for a week staying with her son who is teaching here, so has picked up some tips on the way things work!!

We called in by the supermarket on the way back and I picked up some cereal, milk, a bowl, butter and pineapple jam. That's breakfast for me sorted!! T can eat noodle, steamed veg etc, but I cannot face it!!

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