The Princess and the Dog

By Princessnthedog

A Cold Front

Dear O'H dear and Lovely Tea Jenny,

What a great morning. A walk up the hill and then a long chat with you O’H dear which left me feeling happy for the rest of the day. I hope you don’t have nightmares about burst couches!

I spent the afternoon happily pottering. I prepared for the imminent temperature drop by making vats of lentil soup and praying to the weather gods for so much snow tonight, that it won’t be possible to force my way out of the door tomorrow to get to work*. I also have lots of chocolate and wine so that’s all the major food groups covered. This Nirvana could only be made more perfect with a surprise release of a new Black Mirror series and a never ending cup of tea. Served by Spock. Or Loki. I’m flexible.


*About half an inch should do it.

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