The Princess and the Dog

By Princessnthedog

Swirling Whirling Snowstorm

Dear O'H dear and Lovely Tea Jenny,

Sadly, there was only a light covering of snow this morning so I bravely made my way to work. About half an hour after I arrived, the snow was coming down thick and fast and I had a terrifying thought…

What if I was snowed in at work?

It was like the scariest episode of Black Mirror combined with The Exorcist and Pet Cemetery.

I envisaged clawing my way out of George St with my bare hands (not sure why, I had 2 pairs of gloves in my coat pocket), crawling all the way to Jenners (stop judging, I’m not Bear sodding Grylls) and collapsing in a heap while murmuring ‘At least I made it out’ before being overcome with exhaustion and hypothermia (there may have been background music).

Luckily it stopped after about 10 mins and had pretty much cleared in the centre of town by lunchtime. I wonder what tomorrow’s in-head movie will be?


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