I do like Chorley. This is an unfashionable statement if you happen to be from Chorley, it must be said, but as a part time resident, I'm very fond of it. I find the people to be friendly, for the most part, it has good shops, a great council, an interesting variety of pubs (in both a good and a bad way), and it also has a bit of history. These gorgeous steps, for example, are tucked out of the way, simply taken for granted.
I took a this photo after the Minx and I had been for breakfast at Rosie Posie's (would recommend) and were on our way to PC World, once the palace of dreams but now a bit dull; all the tech I like seems to have peaked.
-12.8 kgs
0 words
Reading: Finished 'Such Small Hands' and started Ali Smith's 'Winter'.
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