A New Day
Two days since L joined our classroom and today I asked him if I could take his photo. Ok, he said. I suspect he has a difficult time face mapping as making eye contact seems to be rather difficult for him. Fleeting at best so I decided to go with a profile shot to not cause unnecessary anxiety/stress. Although, you may not be able to tell from the photo, he quite enjoyed our little 'photoshoot' and loved seeing himself on the camera's viewer after each shot! He is a sweetheart and a great fit for our room, I think. E was more curious and became rather silly when I was working with L, but hopefully, that is all and he will adjust nicely to sharing me.
My brother has left for Portugal for three months....I am quite jealous as I look out at it snowing again... *sigh* It will be Spring soon, right???? ; )
Hope you are all well....thanks for all the sprinkles of stars, hearts and comments on the little chickadee blip. Much appreciated : ))
D x
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