
Now is the winter of our discontent
Made glorious summer by this son of York

There’s a lot of snow. There’s an unexpected Scandinavian design flaw - the front door opens outwards - and due to the large amount of snow that has drifted its hard to get out of the house.

Once that issue has been overcome we need to clear the path and get to the car. A huge tractor with plough and snow blower arrives to clear the road and driveway, which is just as well because we need to get the car close to the house to be able to recharge it.

The day passes - laptops all round. I even participate in a few online meetings with the folks back home. The cabin WiFi is appalling, but the 4G service is impeccable.

For tea I roast Home-grown Scottish lamb, served with my own sprouts. The redcurrant jelly that Rob bought turns out to be cranberry sauce, but it works well. The local potatoes roast passably and even the gravy is acceptable.

We eat cheese, drink wine, and nibble on Belgian truffles. It’s a hard life.

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