
By Mindseye

It might look like Spring

........ but dont be fooled by this shot!
The sun did make one or two appearances during the morning, and there was some blue sky, which I just happened to capture behind the catkins, but by midday the clouds had won the battle and then the squally showers started, again!

We slept well, although since the dentist yesterday my throat is a bit iffy, I thought it might be the anaesthetic, but guessing not as its still irritable....hope the lurgy isnt returning!!
Hub is pretty good considering his ordeal :-)

We walked into town for a couple of things we needed, called into Reds for coffee and lunch.
I was fortunate to get this shot on the way into town, as it was very different walking back. The wind was bitter!

Spent the afternoon organising my photos, deleting duplicates and deciding which images I want to use to replace some outdated family photos on our landing.
I think I am going to get a view of Symi that I took from a boat as we approached, blown up and framed for our bedroom wall too :-)

Hub acts as Treasurer for the Manchester Fellowship so spent the afternoon finalising the accounts to submit to the company we used to work for.

Spicy Bellypork, jacket potato and salad for dinner this evening.

Weather looks rubbish again for tomorrow, possibility of snow overnight......probably will have disappeared by morning, so not expecting to get any picturesque blips :-/

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