Simply Me

By Suze981

You can sure smell the hops!

I didn't enjoy work today. It was a beast of a day and as it got to 4.30, I couldn't wait to leave. I should have stayed later to build on my compressed hours, but I couldn't.

I was torn on what to do. The last thing I felt like doing was running home but if the weather forecast is right, it might be my only chance this week. So I ran.

It was hard to get going, but i have to report the 7.5 mile trip is definitely getting easier and quicker. By the time I was home I felt much better too - that's the beauty of running - it mends the body and the mind!

On my run I passed the Caledonian Brewery. The smell of hops was almost overpowering. Most people dislike the smell and I certainly used to. But the Newcastle Brown Ale factory used to be on my journey home when I lived in Newcastle, so the smell is filled with memories for me.

(Ps did I mention I ran a 10 miler on Saturday with an average rate of 8.7 minute miles? That's the quickest I've ever run - I've never beaten the 9 minute mile before. This new exercise regime is starting to pay off!!)

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