Call me crazy

First night back at running club after the marathon tonight. To say we had inclement weather is a bit of an understatement.

When I got there, I did the whole 'oh no I can't believe the rain is this bad, it's going to be awful' routine. And I think I almost believed myself. In reality though, I bloody loved it. Sometimes you can't beat running in the rain (unless it's running in the snow of course). Did I have to jump in and run through all those puddles? Of course I bloody didn't!

I found the session ok, Dave was a brilliant coach, so encouraging and cheery, and while I was slower than the main group, I wasn't the slowest. Take that tired post-marathon legs! (I know the marathon was 2.5 weeks ago - but you carry the mileage from the race and the training in your legs for a while!)

I find myself looking forward to winter training so much. I may be the only person to say this, but I love inclement weather (except maybe heavy wind). Can't wait for the snow to arrive!

And of course, with the snow comes Christmas! Woohoo! Holidays are coming...

Today's run: 6 miles
October running mileage: 11 miles
2013 running mileage: 886 miles

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