The Lonesome Pine (Cone)

I was really tired this morning, we spent all night last night looking at holidays which I find a bit mind boggling. We still haven't made a decision, but we like the idea of another Tui Sensimar holiday which are adults only, and have seen one in Portugal that's quite interesting.  Thanks to Nicky who suggested Cape Town and Gloria who suggested an African safari!

Anyway, I had a slow start to the day and then went to meet Vanessa at Bills in Lewes for lunch, did a food shop at Tesco's on the way home and then stopped off at the beach to take some shots of the sunset.  

Yesterday, as well as taking photos of the boys, I was faffing with some pine cones and really liked the effect, but chose to blip the boys as I knew I could faff some more and blip the pine cone again.  So when I got home, I started faffing with it again and added my new photo signature.

I also tackled my mountain of ironing - poor Alan had run out of jeans to wear and as we have visitors arriving tomorrow, I thought I'd better make sure he has something to wear!

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