
WFH today and got a call from my dads wife K advising ‘not to panic’ but my dads been taken into hospital with chest pains and breathlessness.

In a short space of time it transpired he’d had a heart attack and was now being transferred to the ERI.

I picked K up and we raced through to see him. He responded well to the procedure having had a stent put in. He gave himself and us all a big fright!

He is hopeful to get transferred to St Johns tomorrow where he will stay for a few days recovery.

Being at the ERI was a flashback as MrsT & I spent many ‘appointments’ here pre bambino.

I parked in the same car park and entered the hospital through this same department and it felt strange walking back through the place we spent so much time.

I found out later that today was my grandads birthday (dads dad) and he would have been 96. He clearly didn’t want to meet up again with my dad today and closed the doors!

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