Excuse me?

Last week we attended Olivia's learning conference with her teachers which was a really interesting experience for us as for the first time they have done some formal assessment on her. They produced a series of charts and descriptors and the work and 'tests' that she has been doing since the start of the academic year. The brilliant thing is that Olivia has no clue that she has been doing tests including a spelling test that they showed us, and of course we rarely get anything out of her when we ask what she's done at school. It seems she's doing pretty well and has already achieved the level expected at the end of the year in terms of literacy so she is now moving onto the next set of words.
I have recently spoken and met with the literacy co-ordinator in the school as Olivia was coming home frustrated and asking us to teach her how to spell etc as she wanted to know more than she was learning at school. As I have no idea how to teach someone how to read and write I thought I'd better seek advice and have to say I was really impressed with the work that goes on in the early years. The amount of work and preparation that goes on in the early years is astonishing and it really bugs me when self-important teachers in the High School complain about how stressful their jobs are! Anyway, that rant is for another day.

Anyway, after swimming and D's sleep it was Mummy's turn to entertain the kids so Daddy could get on with some work today. We set off to the number three and number four playground (Olivia numbers playgrounds so that she can explain which one she'd like to go to!) and on the way we passed a field with a horse in the distance. Olivia screwed up her nose and asked if it was a horse or an elephant. I was a little taken back, as I thought she was meant to be quite bright, and replied that it was a horse. She then turned to her little brother and said:
"Well Dexter, it's a very fat horse" before scooting off.

She's got an answer for everything at the moment.

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