Jezus-Eik, Two Weddings and...

collapse into bed at 2am hoping for a miracle of a lie-in tomorrow!

We had a local Cross Country race today and in the above blip there are three of my boys in the chasing pack. I've never been to Jezus-Eik before and fell in love with the forest in this area - can't wait to go for a run there myself.

We had some very successful results and then it was a mad dash home to get ready for our first wedding of the day. A work colleague had invited us to his house to help celebrate their wedding which was very low key but really nice, and the kids had plenty of chocolate cake to eat and loads of other kids to play with so all happy.

Another mad dash home to get changed and greet the babysitter. Usually I never go out until Dexter is asleep but he is used to our babysitter now and was more than happy to play with her and let her get him ready for bed so for the first time we left before they were in bed which is a bit of a milestone for me. We had a Belgian wedding to attend and I was quite nervous as I only knew one other person who was going! We thought it was going to be some kind of buffet but it turned out to be the full proper sit down meal which was lovely. My husband sings in a band so has quite a few Belgian buddies, hence the invite to the wedding, as Tony whose wedding it was is in the band and they were performing this evening. It's been a long time since I saw my husband singing on stage and it was really lovely to see him performing and having such fun and finally meeting the rest of the band.

Oh, and the kids didn't wake up until 7.45am so we did get a bit of a lie in!

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